We recently had a lecture where the
visiting artist spoke about the behaviour of attachment theory.
This led me to research into John Bowlby’s
attachment theory in order to prepare for my placement where I’ll be working
with children. It got me questioning the relation between ADHD and insecure
attachment, as the behaviour the child may be presenting in a school
environment would be very similar. I wonder if this is why so many children
these days are diagnosed with ADHD. I hear it all the time, ‘Everyone has ADHD
nowadays!’ or ‘ADHD didn’t exist when I was young!’.
Are children with insecure attachment being
diagnosed wrongly? This an issue that is bothering me because if this is true,
that many children are wrongly diagnosed, then what can I do about it? The
school system of diagnosis needs to change. Maybe the therapist will be able to
help with the symptoms of insecure attachment prior to any diagnosis of ADHD as
more art therapists are being employed in schools.
According to the NHS website ‘ADHD is the
most common behavioural disorder in the UK. It is estimated the condition
affects 2-5% of school-aged children and young people.’ It’s extraordinary how
many children are affected. More research needs to be done in this area in
regards to art therapy as a tool for ADHD. The NHS also mentions the potential
causes of the condition stating that, ‘Potential risk factors include: being
male’, which leads me to thinking that if the condition is often misdiagnosed
then these children are suffering from a form of attachment disorder. If this
is the case then one must research into the attachment of the primary care
giver with babies who are male and female. I say this because most children
with ADHD happen to be male. I find this all very interesting and something to
be aware of when I start my placement.
I read an interesting article on the matter and was somewhat discouraged as Clarke et al states, '... no research has used early measures of attachment to predict the onset of ADHD symptoms'. (Clarke et al. 2002:181). I feel excited at the prospect of making a difference to the art therapy profession once I'm qualified. I want to make a difference!
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: ADHD (n.d) nhs [online] Available at: http://www.nhs.uk/conditions/Attention-deficit-hyperactivity-disorder/Pages/Introduction.aspx [Accessed 18 November 2013]
Clarke, L et. al (2002) 'Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is Associated with Attachment Insecurity'. Clinical child psychology and psychiatry [online] Vol. 7
no. 2
pp.179-198. Sage journals.
Available at: https://uhvpn.herts.ac.uk/content/7/2/,DanaInfo=ccp.sagepub.com+179.full.pdf+html [Accessed 18 November 2013]
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